Printers in RTC do not refresh without restarting

ryancairnsryancairns Member Posts: 40
edited 2014-03-28 in NAV Three Tier
We have a customer who logs on through a Remote Desktop Application - this then runs a script which takes aprox a minute to load all the network printers and it also opens the 2009 R2 RTC.

The problem is that not all the printers will have loaded when the RTC opens up - and it would appear that the only way to refresh the printers is for the RTC to be closed and re-opened.

This is not the case with the classic client which uses a virtual table to always give the latest/correct list of installed printers on the machine.
I imagine that RTC simply loads the printer list from the registry when logging in and then never refreshes that list.

This causes havoc with our printer selections.

Is this really the way RTC works? I have checked 2013 R2, the latest build and it would still appear to be that way. Has anyone any experience with this problem?



  • ryancairnsryancairns Member Posts: 40
    Was hoping someone else who uses Citrix Web Receiver or (in our case) Terminal Services RemoteApps with Role Tailored might have had similar experience with printer scripts not being fully loaded before the client opens?
  • ryancairnsryancairns Member Posts: 40
    Microsoft's official stance on the matter is:

    "When starting Client, the printer list is stored in memory. If the client is started before the list has been finalized, there is no way the client can come up to the whole list. A restart is needed for this to work."

    Our customer has put a 50 second delay into their Terminal Service RemoteApp script which opens the RTC but this is still not long enough to load aprox 27 printers. They are not too keen to increase that delay further.
    I tried removing the code in codeunit 1 FindPrinter function so that it always returns the PrinterSelection."Printer Name" regardless of whether NAV can see the printer in the Printer table.
    This seemed to work in my testing but the customer is still reporting the problem with certain users.

    Has anyone had any kind of similar experience?

  • engsiong75engsiong75 Member Posts: 143

    >>Has anyone any experience with this problem?
    Yup, me. Had a similar problem last year.

    Read this link. I posted a reply for the printer selection logic but I am not sure if it is similar to your solution.


    All the best.

  • ryancairnsryancairns Member Posts: 40
    Great thanks! It is good to see I am not alone and I might incorporate something similar to your solution and check using .NET for the installed printers rather than just assuming that the printers will always be there.

    Much thanks :thumbsup:
  • engsiong75engsiong75 Member Posts: 143
    If it still does not work, there is one last alternative. You can migrate to NAV 2013. I understood that while they did not want to fix for NAV 2009, they explain that they did fix for 2013.

    All the best!
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