NAS doesn't pickup new file(xml)

sendohsendoh Member Posts: 207
Hi Guys,

We have a problem right now on using NAS to read the NEW file with the interval of 40 sec., the situation is that when I copy a NEW file in the working folder NAS doesn't pickup the file, but when I restart the NAS it'll pickup successfully without any error log in event viewer. what I noticed is that when the file is new NAS ignores it #-o #-o , but If I tried the old file we don't need to restart NAS and it'll picking up the file automatically without any problem. we're using NAV 2009 R2 classic. Please help.

btw, I'm aware of refreshing virtual FILE table. Thanks.


be smart before being a clever.


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    sendoh wrote:
    what I noticed is that when the file is new NAS ignores it #-o #-o , but If I tried the old file we don't need to restart NAS and it'll picking up the file automatically without any problem.
    So, what's the difference between the old and new file? Content identical? What about ACL? Is there still a sharing lock on file at the moment of the first access by NAS? Are you sure the File virtual table does not pick up the file or might there be any bookkeeping that prevents NAV from processing the file after a first unsuccessful attempt? How do you refresh the file virtual table?
  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    sendoh wrote:
    btw, I'm aware of refreshing virtual FILE table. Thanks.
    :-k hmmm... are you sure that you consider every pitfall regarding that table? Because the behaviour you describe is exactly the way it behaves when the file table doesn't get updated.
    "Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    sendoh wrote:
    btw, I'm aware of refreshing virtual FILE table. Thanks.
    I agree with einstein it sounds exactly like that's what is going on. Can you show us the code that you wrote to deal with that please?
  • rocatisrocatis Member Posts: 163
    sendoh wrote:
    btw, I'm aware of refreshing virtual FILE table. Thanks.
    Being aware of it does not mean you're doing it correctly.

    Judging from your posts, you're doing it wrong. Could you post your code, please?
    Brian Rocatis
    Senior NAV Developer
    Elbek & Vejrup
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