COM problem within 2013 R2

SelaviSelavi Member Posts: 4
edited 2014-03-18 in NAV Three Tier
Hello everyone.

I have questions to whom who has allready been into 2013 R2.

problem could be trivial but here it is.

I have been provided with dll (tlb) file from device manufacturer. succesefuly installed it and ran up till version 2009 clasic. Dll is with events.

now on 2013 after importing needed fobs compiler compiles it without error, but when actually running it could and calling methods Navision says that call to mydll.config failed with this message mydll.config could not be found.

the strange thing is that i do not see automation server in custom controls nor i can choose it from net assambley. however i can see control in 2009.

anybody faced this kind of issue before?


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