Upgrade 2009 R2 to NAV 2013 R2

vremeni4vremeni4 Member Posts: 323
edited 2014-03-18 in NAV Three Tier

I am just in a process of upgrading a database from NAV 2009 R2 to NAV 2013 R2.
Everything works well, until I get to the point where the NAV Server has to be started and connected to the upgraded database. (after customised objects are imported in NAV 2013 R2 database and compiled. But before Data is copied. )
The NAV Server starts, connects to the database so everything is fine.
Anyhow when RTC client tries to connect a time-out message appears.
When I run SQL Profile NAV server executes constantly following SQL statements for all tables in the database :
IF (SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N'dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line"'), N'IsTable'))=1 
DROP TABLE dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line"; 
CREATE TABLE dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line" ("timestamp" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,"Document No_" 
..... all fields here
,CONSTRAINT "VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line$0" PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ("Document No_","Line No_")); 

CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "$1" ON dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line" (...); 
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "$2" ON dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line" (..); 
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "$4" ON dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line" (..); 
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "$5" ON dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line" (..); 
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "$6" ON dbo."VIR_00_009$Sales Invoice Line" (...)
Even If I stop(kill) NAV Server this process continues.
So I thought I will let it run until it finishes.
The process finished at some point so I started the RTC Client and the whole process started again from the beginning. (WTF)
Dropping the table, creating the table and all indexes.
It looks like every time when RTC client connects, this process starts.
I tried deleting all records from "Object Metadata" table and compiling all objects but no luck.
I used Upgrade FOB from rollup 4 and also from original release, unfortunately the same behaviour.

Did someone encounter this issue?

Thanks for your help.


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Try to use the "Sync-NAVTenant" powershell script to force the synchronization. It looks like the schema is not synced and it is trying to sync it again and again.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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