Lost Language layer

cverk41cverk41 Member Posts: 4
We are working with a 3.70B version.
No Language layer is installed. But as far as I can remember Navision was basically installed in the past with 2 langages: ENU and (in our case) Dutch.
From 2000 on we are working with scanners. With a running Navision client, connected by Citrix.
Because the scanners are not broad enough, we used the English task bar (File, Edit View,Tools,Window,Help) instead of the Dutch task bar, because this (Bestand, Bewerken, Beeld, Extra, Venster, Help) was too broad for the form, and needs 2 lines.

Now, one way or another we have lost the ENU language, so we cannot choose the English taskbar anymore.
The taskbar needs 2 lines, so the function buttons on the botom are invisible.

Maybe someone can help me with this mystery.
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