Hi all!
I´m trying to create an email with plain text (no HTML or rich text).
The email window must pop up in plain text and then the user click on send. I have tried the following:
CU397.NewMessage("E-Mail",'','Pedido compra: '+FORMAT("No."),Conte,
//Last parameter to show window
and also I have tried with outlook automation, but seems like there is no way to set it as plain text.
The client needs the emails to be send in plain text because some recipients can´t receibe it properly. I can´t use CU400 (smtp email) as they want to show the email before sending. I know this codeunit has a function to formatted text enable/disable.
Any1 any ideas?
They want to show up outlook new email window with plain text.
For now I can open the window with the attachment.