Report layout

leugimleugim Member Posts: 93
edited 2014-03-13 in NAV Three Tier
Hi there!

I need some help with a report layout.
We have a report that shows several info about customer and service contracts.
The layout is very simple: after the report header there is a grid with the data header (Contract No, Dates, Amounts and so on), then there is a row showing Contract no. and Contract description, and Customer no. and Customer name. Something like this:

Contract No. Date Amount [This is the data header]
Contract no & desc. | Cust. no. & name [This is a row grouped by Contract no.]
xx-xx-xx 000.00 [This is the data itself]

Well, everything seems to be ok and the layout is so simple but when previewing the report, the cells containing Contract no. and Description, and Customer no. and Name are too tall.
Contract no. 12345
Description. This is the contract description
Customer no. C0001
Name My customer name

will show like this (you will have to figure out, sorry!):

Contract No. Date Amount [Data header]
12345 Thi | C0001 My
s is the con | Customer
tract descrip | Name
| [Contract no. grouped row]
xx-xx-xx 000.00 [Data]

The question is: Is there any way to show text in a cell from left to right, without growing down the cell?
I'm sure Visual Studio have to have any way to set text adjustment in a cell, but i can't find it...

Thanks in advance.
so far, so good


  • ajay_rastogi23ajay_rastogi23 Member Posts: 5
    Go to Text Box properties and set horizontal alignment Left
  • DsmithDsmith Member Posts: 7
    Is the CanGrow property set to False on the textbox fields?

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