Connecting to OData through PowerPivot

BENNEBENNE Member Posts: 16
edited 2014-03-11 in NAV Three Tier
I an trying to recieve data into a PowerPivot through a published Qurey in 2013R2 ODate webservice (just the content of table 27).
When I connet with http://localhost:7048/DynamicsNAV/OData/ everything workes fine, untill I create a new company so that I have two, I will get an error

"Failed to retrieve data from Item. Reason: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."

Do I need to add the company name in the connection string or ...

Can any of you help me out here, all the descriptions I can finde on MSDN seems to be based on Cronus and only one company.

Best regards


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