I receive message on LogOut "The date is not correct", in cases when user have 'register user time' or in general ledger setup 'register user time' is on.
As I know, when we logging in, it is 1st codeunit which create c/al globals currentDate and currentTime. And when we logging out, 1st codeunit do something like that (Today - CyrrentDate)= Days user work. But in Navision 4.0 When we logging out CurrentDate is lost for some reasons.
Why is it so? How to solve this problem?
please look at
Josef Metz
ahh that's better O:)
This link doesn't work (Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e57' )
How can i solve this problem with date?
Disable "Register Time" or wait for SP 1.
Josef Metz
Josef Metz
ok...SP1 is here
In the Changes to sp1:
"P6) Date is not valid - Register Time doesn't work in 4.00
An error message “Date is not valid” appeared when using “Register Time”.
This has been corrected
VSA reference: 8012422"
What's vsa reference?
Best Regards
VSA is Voice Support Application.
This is the area in the PartnerSource, where since 2004 all support requests must be placed.
But you can see only your requests and the requests of your company.
There is no "Public Requests" like it was in Partneguide.
So no chance for me, too, to access to this service request.
I have tested this issue, for me it works fine (with SP1).
Josef Metz
Josef Metz