FactBox SourceExpr Visibility

FurkanRFurkanR Member Posts: 6
edited 2014-03-03 in NAV Three Tier
Hi experts,
it is my first question.

Firstly, Sorry about my english and the subject if it is in the wrong place.

I have a FactBox Page and it has some fields and their fields have visibilities based on some boolean variables.

I mean,
Field1Visible Boolean
Field1Value Text
Field1OtherValue Integer

OnInıt : Field1Visible := TRUE;

SetVisible Function :
IF Field1Value <> '' THEN
Field1Visible := TRUE
Field1Visible := FALSE;


From these things,

In my field, Field1Value and its SourceExpr which is Field1OtherValue is not same and i want if Field1Value visibility false Field1OtherValue false.

I tried some methods like

IF Field1Value <> '' AND Field1OtherValue 0 THEN
Field1Visible := TRUE
Field1Visible := FALSE;

From this, I took an error Text AND Integer.
IF Field1Value <> '' THEN
IF Field1OtherValue <> '' THEN
Field1Visible := TRUE
Field1Visible := FALSE;

From this, I took no error but it is useless.

What can i do now ? Thanks, for your answers.


  • PloegPloeg Member Posts: 70
    Maybe you've done this already, but here's my input.

    There is a IncludeInDataset property on variables. In your case, take a look at the properties of field Field1Visible and make sure IncludeInDataset is set to yes. Then use this variable in the visible property of Field1Value.
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