NAV 2009 Job Queue issue

m8trixm8trix Member Posts: 8
edited 2014-02-22 in NAV Three Tier
I have a report that is 'processing only' that I want to run overnight.

Unlike my other tasks, this one does some bizarre things.

It runs when you select RUN and processes without issue and produces the desired output.

When put into the job queue, it not only does not successfully run but also does not put an entry into the job queue logs and it stops all other tasks from initiating yet shows only as a 'READY' status in the entries. The only way to clear it is to put the task back on hold and restart the job queue service.

I've done the normal diagnostics, but can't seem to make any progress at resolving the issue.

Any thoughts?


  • satbirsatbir Member Posts: 33
    Check the error/message log under event viewer.
  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    At first glance I would say it's in some kind of endless loop or maybe it waits for some user interaction that of course will never come in NAS. That would explain why all other Job Queue Entries never start, but will do if you set this one on hold.

    On the other hand you said that it doesn't create any Job Queue Log Entry and that's what confuses me a little bit. It should create a Job Queue Log Entry instantly when it starts. This Entry should have an empty End Date/Time as long as it's running. So, I would assume when it's in some kind of endless loop then you should at least see that unfinished Job Queue Log Entry.
    "Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
  • BardurKnudsenBardurKnudsen Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 137
    Did you try to debug it? Remember you can debug background sessions. And in this case you should use 'Debug Next', set a breakpoint in an appropriate trigger in your report, and then start it.

    Sorry for my silly answer above. There are no background sessions in NAV2009....
    Bardur Knudsen
    Microsoft - Dynamics NAV
  • allenyyzhouallenyyzhou Member Posts: 142
    If you can not find anything in event view log,
    Maybe you could try to add a new empty report into job queue to see what will happen,
    if it went OK, comment your most codes in your report and try again,
    if it went OK, uncomment some of your codes and try again,
    Just do not forget restart NAS every time you changed source code.
    At least it is my way to find out the problem.
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