Conversion of text[50] to text[50] failed...?

CharlehCharleh Member Posts: 44
edited 2014-02-09 in NAV Three Tier
A client of ours is trying to open the Req Worksheet in RTC for 2009R2. They get an error that a string length cannot be greater than 30. I open the same form in NAV and whilst it does open, clicking on one of the lines (there are only 2 present) results in an overflow converting a text[50] to a text[50].

I'm a bit stumped to be honest as I don't do much 2009R2 - I've not tried a service tier restart or anything of that nature as the client is working on their system at the moment, but they can't use the req worksheet at the moment! I've checked the source and target of the expression and they are both definitely text[50]. One string is actually 43 characters but assigning it to the variable throws this error. The only thing I can think is that somehow something is out of sync with the metadata table

Has anyone had a similar experience?


  • CharlehCharleh Member Posts: 44
    I've deleted the lines in the worksheet for now - there were only two. I'm asking the client to reinput the lines

    We will probably get the same error but fingers crossed!
  • yukonyukon Member Posts: 361
    Hi Charleh,

    Did you debug on RTC/Classic? I assume error is come from "Description 2".

    Make Simple & Easy
  • CharlehCharleh Member Posts: 44
    Yeah open in RTC and it errors as the form opens with a string overflow

    Open in classic and it errors when you click on a row

    It errors in CodeUnit 330 on a line of code that says:

    Description := Item.Description;

    Both fields are Text[50] - though I'm going to triple check now. Deleting the lines didn't help, I'm going to recompile a few objects to see if I can get it going. Worst case I will just restart the service tier.
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631

    try check if item description contains nonprintable characters. This can be caused by copying from Excel or other application. These characters can exceed overal length of string over 50 characters.
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