Using ClosedXML as DotNet

StLiStLi Member Posts: 83
edited 2014-02-07 in NAV Three Tier
Hey there,

I'm having trouble accessing a DotNet Library and I'm not sure what is wrong.

it's about this library: and NAV 2013 R2

I downloaded and extracted the .Net 3.5 version to the add-ins folder and i can see it in the Assembly List. But when I select it, i get an Error message "Could not load type ''." And there are no Types listed to select.

Any ideas? out of an old habit for automations i tried to register it by regasm before i copied the library and it said that there where no Types registered.

Is it possible that the library is broken? Can i fix it? I'd really love to use the features of it in my next project.
(Need to open and alter a customer built .xlsx and reformat/alter some fields based on Navision Data.)


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