Data Update on Table

omyvadiyaomyvadiya Member Posts: 124
edited 2014-02-07 in NAV Three Tier
I am subtracting 2 field's and the value is stored in the other field on OnAfterGetRecord() trigger of Page.

But the value is not updating on the table.

Solutions, i tried:

1. Doing the same subtraction on the OnValidate trigger of that field, with calcfields as the 2 field that i am subtracting are flowfields.
2. Tried Modify(false)/Rec.Modify() & even Currpage.Update().

Unfortunately, nothing works ](*,) ](*,)


  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Why do you need to store this result in the table? Why don't you just add a function, that subtracts the 2 field values, and show the result of that function on the page?
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • omyvadiyaomyvadiya Member Posts: 124
    As the updated value is required in reporting services via sql...
    So its mandatory to update the value in table field.

    Any other possible way?
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