I have a request to change the way that the lines are displayed on a NAV sub-form/ page.
I would like to use a specific column to assign a default order by sorting to the lines.
Is this a relatively easy to intermediate type of change? I am not very versed in writing C/AL code and working with record sets in the object designer.
Any help, recommendations, code examples would be great if you have any.
Thank you.
I want to sort by Annual Volume (desc)
Es buen ejercicio acostumbrarse a la compañia de la gente sencilla pues tanto la humildad como la soberbia se transmiten a menudo por simple contacto.
Is this correct?
What can be affected if I change the default key on the object? Will that mess up the line enumeration?
Thank you.
Es buen ejercicio acostumbrarse a la compañia de la gente sencilla pues tanto la humildad como la soberbia se transmiten a menudo por simple contacto.
I strongly discourage to add your "Annual Volume" field to the primary key since, as far as I see from attachment, you are working with standard sales line/purchase line and this could have a huge impact on processes.