
Nav 2.01B Database Expand and Restore

ParvardigarParvardigar Member Posts: 34
edited 2014-02-07 in Navision Financials
The company upgraded to Navision 2013. However the accountants need access to legacy Nav 2.01B to pull up old records.
That group wants a stand alone computer with the old Nav 2.01b installed.
That is the challenge. Since 1999 we have never had to reinstall Nav 2.01B, having never had to restore from backup. A very reliable Navision.
I have the original install disk and all the original manuals. I first installed the client. I then installed the server. I imported the fin.flf. I then created a database so that I could create a Super account. This I did several times on Server 2003 standard. A stand alone machine dedicated to the legacy Navision.
I would install the client, the server - and uninstall. Several times to see how Navision would behave.
I notice there is no function to attach photo screen shots. I will attempt to describe what steps I took.
I was able to restore up to 6% . Be it in Database Expand; be it in Database Expand- Advance I cannot increase the database. If I add 100000 or 10000 the message is: "You cannot use such large databases with this program."
The license file says "Database Expansion per 1GB" and 'Maximum Dtabase Size 1,050'
In Database Expand Advance if I insert 1050 I get 'internal error' otherwise I get the size is too large.
Thus I am completely stuck with ""You cannot use such large databases with this program."
What ever I do to expand database or advanced expand database I am unable to successfully expand.
Let me know where I am failing.


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