Lock Users Codeunit

gonzy1981gonzy1981 Member Posts: 156
edited 2014-02-05 in NAV Three Tier
Hi there,
I'm dealing with this issue, in 2009 r2:
The point is, the client where I'm involved during the morning is posting a lot of invoices, during that time any other user can post an invoice, due to the fact that NAV cannot manage two or more users posting at the same time (codeunit 80 or 90 or ...), is this true??

I'd hazard a guess that in NAV 2013, Microsoft has sorted it out. Would it be convenient to upgradre or ......??

(Actually my client is not posting exactly Sales/Purchases codeunits, it's posting other codeunits with the same idea but in our vertical solution)



  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    I've seen a vertical solution that put in some SLEEP commands during batch posting to allow other users to post as well. But that's very complex as you have to make sure that nothing gets mixed up, e.g. No Series, Journals, etc.

    From my point of view that's an organisational issue. They simply need to arrange the terms when someone is allowed to post and what amount of lines.

    Another idea would be to implement the same solution that is used in 2013. Then they simply just mark the lines to post and the posting itself will happen in background by some service.
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