Using Absolute Value for Formula result in Account Schedule

Megumi_WatanabeMegumi_Watanabe Member Posts: 5
Hi everyone

I have just signed up to this forum, so if I repeat the old-solved questions, please forgive me. :oops:

I would like to know whether there is some way to use "Absolute Value: i.e. value with no sign" attribute for results of formula in Account Schedule.

For example, if I want to create PL without any sign, I set up "Show opposite sign" to Income lines, however when I set up the formula to calculate, say for example variance % from last month value, the calculation results still have minus sign to those income lines, which confuse users a lot.
Then, when I set up "Show opposite sign" to the column set up, then Cost and Expenses line now have minus signs!!!

I think having variance% and/or ratio is a normal requirement, and I need to be able to use absolute sign.

I know you might think:
"Mum, you should manipulate data on Excel!"
but I would rather not because it is about financial statements.

I am hoping there is some hidden tips in Navision.....

Thanks for your attention.
Tokyo, Japan


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    I haven't been experimenting with this, but try something like this:
    create 2 records with the same calculation, 1 of them keeps the sign, the other inverts it. In both records put "Show Only if Positive".
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • jemmyjemmy Member Posts: 247
    Hi there,

    Try to modify your code..
    you can use
    ABS (Numbers)
    Use this function to calculate the absolute value of a number. ABS always returns a positive numeric value or zero.

    NewNumber := ABS(Number)

    If its data type = text then you just remove the first 'negative' sign.

    Hope this helps,

  • songsong Member Posts: 16
    What formula did you use for the Variance%?

    Ive used this formula and I did not encounter your problem.

    100*(T/L-1) where T = This Month and L = Last Month's figure
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