customer balance(LCY) in sales order

zzz458zzz458 Member Posts: 11
Hi all,
I have a problem,
I want to show the balance(LCY) information of the customer in the sales order document. But this information is located in Customer table and my document uses only sales header and sales line.
What can be done?


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    I saw your post also on I answered that one and here is another solution.
    Here is another solution.
    Create a new field on Sales Header. Balancy (LCY). Make it a flowfield to cust. ledger entry Amount (LCY) field. and set the filter sell-to customer no. = customer no.
    Add the field to Sales Order.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • hansfouserthansfousert Member Posts: 46
    In standard Navision you will get the Balance (LCY) information if you open the Statistics window in de sales document. To be precise: on the customer tab!
    Kind regards,

    Hans Fousert
    Microsoft Certified Trainer and Jet Reports Certified Trainer
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