Close Income Statement 2013

anphilipanphilip Member Posts: 86
edited 2014-01-28 in NAV Three Tier

Does any one encounter the below error message before? I was performing the Close Income Statement for year 2013 with the dimension is tick and below error message appear. Please help. Urgent.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table. Check where and how the CONSISTENT function is used in the transaction to find the reason for the error.

Contact your system administrator.

Tables can be marked as inconsistent during comprehensive tasks, such as posting. This prevents data from being updated incorrectly.

Thanks in advance.


  • karthisahakarthisaha Member Posts: 22
    In General Consistency error will occur if the Credit amount and debit amount for an transaction is not tallied.
    so you have to check the transactions and need to check all the setup where the rounding precision is specified.

    There is a trick available in mibuso to find out the reason for this error and what entry causes the error.
  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi An,
    anphilip wrote:
    Does any one encounter the below error message before? I was performing the Close Income Statement for year 2013 with the dimension is tick and below error message appear. Please help. Urgent.
    uh-oh. You're using an AUNZ (or APAC) localization, right? Do you use the reporting currency? I would suspect (from a brief look into the code) that the root cause has something to do with reporting currency. I would suggest that you contact your NAV partner on this matter.

    with best regards

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