I am relatively new to Navision, and I've been given the task of automating invoices. The part that I'm struggling direly with understanding the main part - the part where the user would normally input the data from an invoice. More specifically, the part where the user interacts with the Purchase Invoice form.
The user selects a rec from the receipted lines, it appears in the Invoice Lines below, and then the user posts it. Since this is the part which I need to automate, I need to understand it well - or at least better than I currently do!
I've tried my best, but it has resulted in my brain turning into a black hole, since there are 4 tables that seem to have an extremely similar purpose; the Purchase header, the Purchase line, the purch. rcpt. header and the purch. rcpt. line. ](*,)
Can someone explain what's happening in this workflow?
At the end of the day I need to insert the values of an invoice that we receive and check that the values agree with what we expect. Any guidance would be great,
Thanks for your time