
Filter in Grouping Nav 2013

abhinavmehraabhinavmehra Member Posts: 34
edited 2014-01-23 in NAV Three Tier
Dear All,

I have made 1 report based on Item with grouping of Inventory Posting Group. Quantity & values are coming from Value Entry based on Purchase receipt and Invoice.

My all data is coming correctly. Also i have set Visibility on my data on Group Properties

=iif(Fields!Qty.Value=0,true,false) AND iif(Fields!Value.Value=0,true,false)

My problem is when the data in not there in that Inventory posting Group then this Inventory posting Group will also get hide.
But it is still showing in the

Kindly see the attached document:-


In this there are 3 Invetory Posting Groups are coming FINISHED,RAW MAT & RESALE.
In RAW MAT Inventory Group, There is no any record. So i don't want to show this.

Help me to resolve this issue in NAV 2013 report.

Thanks to all....!!


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