UPS Ship station

shankshank Member Posts: 55
edited 2014-03-04 in NAV Three Tier
If you have a UPS shipping station that doesn't require users to login for the sake of not slowing down the department, how do you keep track of who shipping what if there are multiple users using that machine to ship?

Right now we implemented ID badgers that add a line "PACKED BY USERNAME", but that requires enforcement of scanning the badge, and people tend to forget.

How do you all do that?


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Your request sounds confusing to me.

    You don't want to slow down the packing station by having the person login but you want them to scan a badge for every box?
  • rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
    We use the old style paper copy for that.. when a user packs and ships and item they have to initial the pick ticket and staple the posted shipment that prints out to it. If you are using E-ship, it may be difficult..
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