RTC Page Filter problems

vasjavasja Member Posts: 19
edited 2014-03-04 in NAV Three Tier
I could not find this problem on the forum, so sorry if it is already answered elsewhere...

Problems I have with filters on a page are:

1. When I enter filter directly in a single filter field in the upper right corner of the page (this field is entered when you press F3), newly added filter is not added to the list of the filters you get when you expand and show full filter subpage. Is this by design, or is it a bug?

2. Same happens when you are on a cell in a table and you press AltF3 (making filter on that column on that value). This one also does not show in the filter list. Is this by design, or is it a bug?

3. When I filter "Item Category Code" with a filter like "CATEGORYA|CATEGORYB", after that I cannot add any filter for product group. I get the error "The length of the string is 19, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters. Value: CATEGORYA|CATEGORYB"


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