Empty tables [Updated]

PloegPloeg Member Posts: 70
edited 2014-03-03 in NAV Three Tier
Hello everybody,

We received an ERROR in the Sales Order page. This error was invoked by the Sales Line table because of two calls of PAGE.RUNMODAL in one command. Sloppy programming, but nothing serious.... we thought. Right after these errors (which we triggered on purpose for debugging) we got a call from our client: two tables were completely empty! Tables Sales Line and Purchase Line were stripped from their data.

We checked our code, we checked reported bugs, we tried to reproduce it in a local environment, but we found nothing. We had the same errors, but the tables where never truncated.

Worried as we are, we are turning to you. Does anyone know what could have happend?

This is one of the errors which was caught in the windows log.
Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
ClientConnectionId: 82040483-0d44-4d08-9f6e-8075da5c787b
Class: 16
LineNumber: 1
Number: 208
Server: [******]\NAVISION
State: 1
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
ErrorCode: -2146232060
Invalid object name '[DB].dbo.[Company]$Purchase Line'.
Statement(s) could not be prepared.

-- UPDATE --
See post below for the explanation of this problem.
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