
Footer text font size is distorted when exported to Excel

engsiong75engsiong75 Member Posts: 143
edited 2014-01-10 in NAV Three Tier
I am working on a report in NAV 2013 R2. The report prints correctly in pdf as well as on the printer.

The users still need the report to print to Excel and they are doing so from the Print > Microsoft Excel button.

The information in the report is exported correctly to Excel except the Page Footer. It is rendered to Excel Footer with a size font of 81 (Too large).

I have done on some research and according to this link "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd255234.aspx";
there are some limitation regarding the Page footer when rendered in Excel:
1) The page footer in the report will be rendered as the Excel footer.
2) Only 256 characters will be render in the Excel footer.
3) Only text boxes will be rendered.

I can live with the limitations. However, I am at a loss to explain why the Excel footer has a font size of 81. The worst part of the story is that there is report with a similar page footer that is rendering correctly in Excel. There is no difference in the font size used. There is a little different in the text printed.

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Does anyone have any suggestion?
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