Stock Transfer without Transit for selected location

slmaluwaslmaluwa Member Posts: 366
Is there a way to transfer goods without using In-Transit locations only for selected locations?
"A bove maiore discit arare minor"-"From the old ox, the young one learns to plow."


  • Torben_R.Torben_R. Member Posts: 99
    If you don't need the transfer order document you can post the transfer through the reclassification journal.
  • slmaluwaslmaluwa Member Posts: 366
    Thank you for the reply.
    But, we need the Transfer Orders. But, we just to transfer the stocks without InTransit. This facility is being considered to transfer the Consumable items to a virtual location.
    "A bove maiore discit arare minor"-"From the old ox, the young one learns to plow."
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    It is not so difficult. I did it once and with few changes.

    In C5704:"TransferOrder-Post Shipment".PostItemJnlLine you need to intercept when you want to do this: instead of using the In-Transit location, use the receiving location code.

    In the OnRun, just before the COMMIT-statement, you need to run C5705:"TransferOrder-Post Receipt" to create the transfer receipt-document.

    In C5705:"TransferOrder-Post Receipt".PostItemJnlLine, you need to exit the function in case in this case without posting the entry, because you already received it in the receiving location.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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