Unable to update a primary key field

AK12345AK12345 Member Posts: 9
Hello i am trying to update a primary key field and i get the error that the fields do not exists. Can some one walk me through the steps.
I am using the Rename function since i want to update one of the other 4 primary key fields i have.


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    AK12345 wrote:
    ... i get the error that the fields do not exists.
    Are you using Fieldrefs? Appart from that I don't see any way of the object compiling and the field not being there.
    AK12345 wrote:
    I am using the Rename function since i want to update one of the other 4 primary key fields i have.
    What do you mean by "... since i want to update one of the other .."? You have to provide all primary key fields in their proper order as parameters to the RENAME function, regardless of which of these fields has changed or not.
  • AK12345AK12345 Member Posts: 9
    I am able to compile fine with no errors. When i run the Process report it renames the first records and for the second one it error out. Sorry for not being clear what i meant was i have 4 fields as primary keys and i want to update only the first one.

    I solved this by using a temporary table.

    Thank you for your help.
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