Accounting entry file for France Member Posts: 17
edited 2014-01-03 in NAV Three Tier
Hi all,

First of all Best wishes for a healty and prospereous 2014!

And then the question.
A customer of us (which has a legal office in France), informed us about the a new regulation which should make it possible to create an Accounting Entry File.
(Article 11 of the Third Amended Finance Bill for 2012 enacted in December 2012 requires taxpayers who keep their accounts electronically to remit to the tax authorities at the beginning of a tax audit all their accounting records electronically for the financial years under audit, in the form of an accounting entry file (AEF). )

Since this regulation is mandatory for every company in France, I would think that a solution for this regulation would be available in NAV, but as far as I can see, I cannot find any documentation about this ? Will Microsoft provide a solution for this regulation ? Or maybe even better, does anybody already work on this ?

Thanks upfront for your (quick) reaction !

Kind Regards,
Guy De Schepper


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