Flowfield Count Error

Robert_EllsworthRobert_Ellsworth Member Posts: 19
Hello everyone,

I am trying to get a count of records in one table, from another table. We have a table called Theme Entry table that looks like:
Enabled	Field No.	Field Name				Data Type	Length	Description
Yes	    5	        Res. Item Code			Code		20	
Yes	 	 7			Res. Instance No.		Code		20	
Yes		 10			Theme Code				Code		10		
Yes		 21			Theme Description		Text		30	
Yes		 22			Is Primary Theme		Boolean		
Yes		 23			Programming Workshop	Integer	

In my Programming Workshop table I have the following defined:
Enabled	Field No.	Field Name			Data Type	Length	Description
Yes		1			Entry No.			Integer		
Yes		3			Reservation Item	Code		20	
Yes		4			Reservation Type	Code		10	
Yes		5			Cenium ID			Code		20	
Yes		7			Programmer			Code		10
Yes		12			Themes				Integer		

Themes is a Flowfield of type Count. The attached pictures show how I have the flowfield defined:

When I run the table, and drill down into my Themes field I get the last attached error message. What is confusing me is that it's trying to link the entry # to a code field, when I don't have that setup in the flowfield definition. What steps am I missing here to get this to work properly?


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Hi Robert

    Did you assign the right form to the DrillDownFormID property (or LookupFormID if the DrillDownFormID is left blank) and does that form properly display records form your "Theme Entry" table?
  • Robert_EllsworthRobert_Ellsworth Member Posts: 19
    vaprog wrote:
    Hi Robert

    Did you assign the right form to the DrillDownFormID property (or LookupFormID if the DrillDownFormID is left blank) and does that form properly display records form your "Theme Entry" table?

    Yes, the DrillDownFormID is there, and when I remove the Programming Workshop -> (Field) -> Entry No. assignment in the FlowFilter, the form opens up just fine (albeit with the incorrect filtering). That one assignment is breaking the process and for the life of me I can't figure out why. "Programming Workshop" is of type Integer in the Theme Entry table, and Entry No. is of type Integer in the other table. There shouldn't be any Integer -> Code20 associations occurring, but it is. :(
  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    Have "Res. Instance No." maybe been renumbered?
    Stating from the error, seems it's trying to link "Cenium ID" field with another one having ID = 1. Can you please give a try deleting the FlowField and recreating it?
  • Robert_EllsworthRobert_Ellsworth Member Posts: 19
    geordie wrote:
    Have "Res. Instance No." maybe been renumbered?
    Stating from the error, seems it's trying to link "Cenium ID" field with another one having ID = 1. Can you please give a try deleting the FlowField and recreating it?

    Just tried that, to no avail. Still getting the same error. :(
  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    Stupid thought...can the name "Programming Workshop" be the problem? I mean, you used the same name for your table and for Theme Entry field, what about renaming one of those two?
  • Robert_EllsworthRobert_Ellsworth Member Posts: 19
    geordie wrote:
    Stupid thought...can the name "Programming Workshop" be the problem? I mean, you used the same name for your table and for Theme Entry field, what about renaming one of those two?

    Tried that too.. :( I appreciate the suggestions though. :)
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