Dear all,
I am trying to to set default Transfer-from and Transfer-to Locations on the Transfer Order Card on New Page or New Record; I also want to validate these values.
What I have tried so far is to add Transfer-from and Transfer-to lookup (to Location table) fields in the User Setup table, hence pointing each user to his/her default location. Then, I have written
vUserSetup.RESET; //introduced the User Setup table as a variable
vUserSetup.SETFILTER(vUserSetup."User ID",'%1',USERID);
"Transfer-from Code":=vUserSetup."Transfer Location-from";
VALIDATE("Transfer-from Code",vUserSetup."Transfer Location-from");
The code was entered either OnInsert() of the Transfer Header table or the Transfer Order page. In the first case I get an "Transfer Header No. 'XXXX' does not exist" error, in the second I get the value inserted by with no validation.
Any help is really welcomed, thank you very much in advance
Can you please ensure you added your code at the end of OnInsert table trigger, after this 2 statements?