My Customer is using Page 762 "Finance Performance" within his role center. He would like to add two or more pages by customizing role center. So I added
a second part of "Finance Performance 2" which he can then select. It is also possible to configure by "Select Chart" and he can see different charts. But each
time he is leaving the role center by Clicking e.g. Contacts or Customers and then coming back to the role center, the configuration is gone. My customer has
then the same charts in both "Finance Performance". In my case the charts are disappearing at all and I have to select the charts again.
Anybody an idea?
Going to search for a solution and let it know here.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
So I edited this in Page 763.
This does not solve the issue of the same charts.
Role center CEO and President has standard two pages "Finance Performance", so you expect NAV will save both charts.
In Codeunit 762 Acc. Sched. Chart Management function SetLastViewed is called in table 762 Account Schedules Chart Setup.
This function sets field "Last Viewed" on the latest viewed chart.
So seems like there's no solution made for saving two different charts.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
- Is this possible by creating an additional business chart buffer table?
So you have to analyse how to solve this. Probably you will need to create additional fields for storing the different charts used.
Could be quite a job.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist