I have placed a call to my own code unit within the OnDatabaseInsert, OnDatabaseModify and OnDatabaseDelete methods in CU 1.
However, I have found these methods are only being called if I have the Change Log turned on for the particular table.
1. Is there a way to modify to make those methods always get fired?
2. Where is the code that calls those methods?
3. Is there a way to create my own "global" on database change methods in CU1 that will fire for any change?
Here is more info about it:
BTW: Whyt you need to to is, you need your own TriggerMask Logic, see the Integration Mgt. how they did it. The OnDatabase Triggers are fired based on these TriggerMasks that is requested in the GetDatabaseTableTriggerSetup() Function (CU1).
This routine works great in 2009
But has anybody created the same senario in NAV 2013R2, where you wish to record Change Log Entries for records changes in Code? The following didn't work...
With thanks
It seems that it only works if the ChangeLog is enabled.
(and service tier has to be restarted after setting changelog)
Cool stuff, thanks for sharing (and thanks to the author). I think i stayed away from mibuso for too long
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