C/SIDE Specifications and Limitations
Microsoft Dynamics Navision 2009
This topic describes the specifications and limitations for the C/SIDE Database Management System (DBMS) and its application objects.
Specifications for the DBMS ________________________________________
Feature Characteristic
Maximum number of physical disk files 16
Database file size 256 GB
Maximum number of objects in a database Infinite
Maximum number of characters in application object names 30
Maximum number of characters in a password 10
Maximum number of concurrent users
(the actual limit depends on your hardware and the workload) 500
Maximum cache size 1 GB
Specifications for Tables
Feature Characteristic
Range for table object ID numbers 1 – 999,999,999 1
Maximum number of characters in a table name 30
Maximum table size Infinite
Maximum number of records in a table Infinite
Maximum record size 4 KB
Maximum number of fields in a record 500
Range for field numbers 1 – 999,999,999
Maximum number of keys for a table 40
Maximum number of distinct fields per key 20 for a primary key. The number of fields in the primary key plus the number of fields in a secondary key which do not occur in the primary key must always be less than or equal to 20.
Maximum number of SumIndexFields per key 20
Maximum number of characters in a text or code field 250
Maximum size of a BLOB field 2 GB
Maximum number of characters in a field name 30
Specifications for Forms and Reports
Feature Characteristic
Range for form or report object ID numbers 1 – 999,999,999 1
Maximum form width 100000 x 1/100 mm
Maximum form height 100000 x 1/100 mm
Maximum number of nested forms 1
Maximum number of controls on a form 32767
Maximum number of characters in a label 254
Maximum number of characters in a text box 250
Maximum bitmap size in bitmap property 32500 bytes
Maximum number of levels in drop-down
menus 10
Specifications for Codeunits
Feature Characteristic
Range for table object ID numbers 1 – 999,999,999 1
Maximum number of characters in variable names 30
Maximum number of dimensions in array variables 10
Maximum number of elements in an array variable 1,000,000
Maximum physical size of a codeunit 2 GB
Lower bound of index in an array 1
All application objects are identified by an ID number. There are restrictions, however, on the numbers you can use when you create your own application objects. Contact your Partner License Agreement for more information.
Best Regards,
Kavita Mutha
Some of these limitations are bound to the Native Database.
(The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)