Timeout while sending an XML via ServerXMLHTTP60

Henrik_AustrupHenrik_Austrup Member Posts: 3
We are sending XML Documents with an Base64 coded appendix via ServerXMLHTTP60. On our production system "Windows Server 2003 SP2" this functionality run pretty good.

Now we have to run this functionality on a "Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1".
But here the following error occurs while running the code:

This message is for C / AL programmers:
The call to member send failed. msxml6.dll returned the following message:
The server connection has been terminated due to an error.

If you run the code immediantely a second time, the following error occurs:

When insert the Annexes

Has anyone an idea to solve this Error?

Used Automationserver:
'Microsoft XML, v6.0'.DOMDocument
'Microsoft XML, v6.0'.IXMLDOMNode
'Microsoft XML, v6.0'.ServerXMLHTTP60


  • eYeeYe Member Posts: 169
    Have a look in your eventlog for errors. (On source machine and destination server)

    Also test the communication between the servers (assuming you are connecting to web service so you should be able to open a test page in your browser)
    Kind Regards,
    Ewald Venter
  • Henrik_AustrupHenrik_Austrup Member Posts: 3
    The communication works, because a XML Document, without an appendix, can be successfully transferred.
    Only if the XML Document contain the appendix the error occurred.
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