Error accessing web client from ipad

dave_cdave_c Member Posts: 46
edited 2014-02-07 in NAV Three Tier
We've got the web client installed and can use it without any issues from windows clients using IE, Safari or Firefox. I can also view it from my Windows 8 phone without any issues. However if I browse to http://navserver.domain.local:8080/Dyna ... /WebClient from an iPad on our WiFi I get the below error:
Microsoft Dynamics NAV

A server error has occured and the content cannot be displayed.  Refresh the page or open a new browser window.

There are also two events logged on the server which hosts the middle tier and web client:
Error accessing Website Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 Web Client
URL: http://navserver.domain.local:8080/DynamicsNAV71/WebClient/Card.aspx?i=8EE&IsDlg=1
Type: System.NullReferenceException
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.WebBase.ClientExceptionHandler.HandleFormNotFoundException(FormNotFoundException exception, Boolean logicalOperationException)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.WebBase.ClientExceptionHandler.ProcessException(Exception exception, ExceptionHandler handler)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.WebBase.ClientExceptionHandler.HandleException(Exception exception)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Web.WebEventExecutor.ExecuteCore[T](Func`1 webEvent, Func`1 condition)
   at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)
   at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Web.WebClient.PageBase.OnLoadCore()
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Web.WebEventExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass3.<Execute>b__2()
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Web.WebEventExecutor.ExecuteCore[T](Func`1 webEvent, Func`1 condition)
Source: Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.WebBase
Error accessing Website Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 Web Client
URL: http://navserver.domain.local:8080/DynamicsNAV71/WebClient/Card.aspx?i=8EE&IsDlg=1
The ClientExceptionState indicated that the session should be abandoned but the exception handler had no UISession assigned.

Has anyone come accross this issue before? I get the same error trying to browse to http://navserver.domain.local:8080/Dyna ... EE&IsDlg=1 from my windows client, but I'm not sure why the web client is trying to open this page, my guess is it's a dialogue page that it's supposed to generate on the fly but isn't for some reason...


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