Navision Chart Example
It´s easy to display a .Net control in a Navision form. Here is an example of a chart control ("OWC10.ChartSpace.10"). You can use the functions to change the chart, or to change the values it shows.
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Source code please
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
Looks like a win32 dll to me.
Nice anyway.
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
It´s easy to display a .Net control in a Navision form. Here is an example of a chart control ("OWC10.ChartSpace.10"). You can use the functions to change the chart, or to change the values it shows.
The download of this example has been removed, due to a possible Copyright violation.
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My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
"The download of this example has been removed, due to a possible Copyright violation.".
As said before: until this is resolved, the download stays blocked.
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
And the reasons why it´s blocked will they ever pop-up?
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
Wheter this product is legal or not, does not bother me. I do think it is not verry nice to copy an IDEA almost 1:1. Its just a thing you dont do.
Andre, i do not know how you can get pride out of a stolen concept. You know the embedding thechnique, you must be a good programmer. I therfore think you must be able to make a product that is different from our initial concept.
You must like the idea of charting otherwise you wouldn't recreate (and partly copy) it for yourself. So give the people that work hard to invent products some respect and buy the product. Like said, apart from legal issues, its just a thing you don't do.
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
You then do not really respect another ones work.
You have a habbit of twisting persons words. I have no opinion if your product has a legal issue. I just say it is not the way to go.
There are hundreds of controls in windows so there are plenty of oppertunities to make your own product by embedding them into navision.
Second if i ever offended anyone, and i think not, i apologise.
I Have the same respect that everyone has for other people's work.
"There are hundreds of controls in windows so there are plenty of oppertunities to make your own product by embedding them into navision"
I have embedded other controls, and have already sent them to mibuso (dont know why they do not apear), like i have embedded Microsoft, not Logic Vision, "OWC10.ChartSpace.10" control. So now the problem is the control?
I haven't follow any scrip, haven't copied any code, just followed one idea.
And ideas like that apear in mibuso hundreds every day. It's the whole spirit of mibuso (nice sentence
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
Don't know if it's implemented the same way, but the concept looks the same.
They just don't advertise it because it's a small integrated part of a bigger context.
So the idea really isn't that new, allthough I do trust, that it's not that easy to implement.
It´s easy to display a .Net control in a Navision form. Here is an example of a chart control ("OWC10.ChartSpace.10"). You can use the functions to change the chart, or to change the values it shows.
The download of this example has been removed, due to a possible Copyright violation.
The download has been restored.
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I'm not sure why people are "Preaching" about you creating a similar application to other commercially available products, but I for one, think that your work and motives are TOTALLY within the spirit of MIBUSO and knowledge sharing =D>
Thanks for sharing your hard work - Well done!
Following the logic of others, there should only be 1 program for sending emails (cause any other programs would be stealing the idea from the original), only 1 program for viewing web pages (cause any other programs stole the idea)
Andre may have tackled the same problem that other people chose to tackle, but came up with his own solution to that problem. So that makes it original.
It´s easy to display a .Net control in a Navision form. Here is an example of a chart control ("OWC10.ChartSpace.10"). You can use the functions to change the chart, or to change the values it shows.
- Has no column restrictions
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I've loaded the ChartExample into my local version of Navsion and I can see the Command Button has been setup to demonstrate the various chart types and label display.
In the C/AL Symbol Menu, there are lots of "Methods" showing like "TurnChart" etc. I'm sure nobody but the author knows exactly how to utilse these . . . can you give a guide on what all of these do and how they should be used please? [-o<
Best Regards,
SelectProjection(Type): ProjectionMode Orthographic (0)
ProjectionMode Perspective (1)
ExportChart(): Creates a gif file, named fig.gif, with the chart
TurnChart(Value): Rotates the chart the number of degrees you ask for
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
Your example still has 3 values and I cannot add more. Am I doing something wrong?
oepsss ](*,), forgot to register the new dll..
Seems like you pulled the longest straw
I haven't downloaded it yet, but it's seems to be a very nice download.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics
I compare this product as when you invent a chair and someone else builds the same chair with a different color.
When you take a closer look:
1. Navision objects are copied and renamed
This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. When you take a closer look to the container form there is a text box in it. Like said looks like not a big deal but try removing this text box and you'll see that it makes a big difference. Same is true for the ActivateMe function. The navision objects took us weeks to discover which is the best configuration for embedding controls to work flawlesly and error free. It takes 5 minutes to copy these, rename these and take copyright information out of it.
2. ActiveX interfaces are quite simular but have other names
Didn't really go through all of this but the basic interface looks the same. So the project approach is the same. Takes weeks to work out an efficient way, in much less time you use an excisting aproach.
The e-mail program example
* is ok but i havent seen verry simular e-mail products (its not technollogy i talk about). One e-mail has a cool search feature the other program a cool skinning future. They are all different.
The spirit of mibuso:
* i think it is ok to share knowledge and i'm happy to share (most of) mine. And i have taken a lot of advantage of knowledge of other people.
Though when companys do large investments in creating products and make it commercial available to contribute the navision world and to cover expensives in my opinion it is not ok (maybe legally it is .. but its my opinion) to make an almost exact rebuild of this product. The big downside is that the developer of the original product might not be getting budgets for new projects because money is lost on those projects. I was hoping to releas Embedded Controls 2.0 soon with an Embedded GanttChart control in it (really cool) but i hope they will still let me do this. My trust is a little bit gone so i'm surely going to work on security now for the OCX so that it is not this easally copied. (really hate that).
My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET
CEO at Solving Dynamics