NAV 7 & 7.1 Management service not accessible

anvaranvar Member Posts: 30
edited 2013-11-12 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All,

I have a central server dedicated for all our developers their 3tier services.
I have multiple 7 & 7.1 running on this server, but 1 thing I can't get running or better said 1 thing I can't access is the Management Service per service tier.

In the eventlog I have the succesfull started message; something in this trent:
Server Instance: DynamicsNAV-Companyname-productname-71
'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Service' is listening to requests at net.tcp://servernamen.domainname:11311/DynamicsNav-Companyname-productname-71/ManagementService.

But trying to enter this URL through the browser results in a "This page can't be displayed'.

The firewall is disabled and with netstat -a I can see a listening connection at that port.

Is there something I'm forgetting?
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