Barcode in Production Order Report

James1111James1111 Member Posts: 4
Hi Everybody,

I using NAV 4.0 and a need put the barcode into Prod. order header,

Please tell my if there is solution.



  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632

    There are two main ways to do that:
    1. Use specialized software to print barcode on labels and apply these labels on production order sheet
    2. Print barcode directly on sheet. There is a lot of DLLs, which can render barcode into bmp file. These DLLs can render all main barcode types. BMP files should be imported to BLOB field in temporary table (e.g. Item table) and print afterwards.
  • edudiazedudiaz Member Posts: 39
    Edit the report and duplicate the "Production Order No." field. Go to Properties and change the font to something like 3of9 barcode. You will first need to install the Font on your PC. You should also play with the font size. Cheers!
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    To expand upon the 3of9 font, you need to put asterisks around your field to make it print as a bar code. So your SourceExpr would be '*' + "No." + '*'
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