Configuration multi language in webclient by using NAV2013

szhszh Member Posts: 28
edited 2013-11-08 in NAV Three Tier
Dear All,

I am very new to NAV7 and web client. Our client is planning to use Japanese language with web client in NAV2013.

We are able to use Japanese language in RTC version. However, I have no experience how I can configure other language in web client.



  • vremeni4vremeni4 Member Posts: 323

    I think there are almost no changes in this area between old versions and NAV 2013 or NAV 2013 R2.
    You will use NAV Development environment (Tools-> Language Module) to import language module and (Tools->Translate) to import export, the translation for your NAV customisation.

    The user can select the language from RTC client.

    I hope this helps.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Did you try by changing "Language" parameter in Web Config file under
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\Web Client
  • szhszh Member Posts: 28
    Yes. I did change language and regional as ja-JP.

    However, I could not read Navision in Japanese at web client.

  • roytseroytse Member Posts: 8
    I assume that all the dll files and flm are ready.

    this is the way for 2013 only
    copy those files from C:\....\70\Service\ja-JP\xxx.resource.dll to
    c:\...\70\Web Client\bin\ja-JP\
    c:\...\70\Web Client\web.config <- edit 2 options for language, u will find it
    restart IIS

    if u want to have web client with different languages, u have to deploy multiple web client for different languages.

    for 2013 R2,
    Concept are same, just the architecture has a bit different, use official NAV administration shell to create multiple web client as well.
  • szhszh Member Posts: 28
    Hi roytse,

    Thanks a lot for your advice. I have tried the method same as your advice. I downloaded Denmark language module file under bin and rename it as ja-jp.

    I copied ja-jp file to server and change language in webconfig.

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