Changing a "Sum" flowfield into code

amadman114amadman114 Member Posts: 36

I'm trying to write a part of codeunit that performs what this flowfield calcformula does:
Sum("Sales Invoice Line".Amount WHERE (Document No.=FIELD(No.)))
"Why can't you just put that in table?" I'm sure you're thinking... I've been tasked with optimising the system and I've thought of a pretty solid way of doing it (but I don't want to/need to write an essay explaining it =P~ )

I guess I could do this in about 20 lines of code, where I set multiple 'temporary' variables in a loop, but I'm sure there's a much more streamlined way of doing this. I'm trying to learn C/AL so I want to learn best practice where I can.


  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    Sorry but I didn't understand properly the "temporary variables" part of your post, anyway the total amount calculation can be achieved in this way:
    SalesInvLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",SalesInvHeader."No.");
    IF SalesInvLine.FINDSET THEN
        InvAmount += SalesInvLine.Amount;
      UNTIL SalesInvLine.NEXT = 0;
  • amadman114amadman114 Member Posts: 36
    Don't worry about the temporary variable thing, and thanks for your code.

    I don't really understand it, however. When I try and implement it, it seems to not do anything (though no error is returned).

    I don't understand what is happening in the loop. Could you (or another reader) inform me how this works?

    *** Edit ***
    I think there may be a misunderstanding of what I would like:

    I would like this codeunit to go through and write a value to the "Amount" field of the Sales Invoice Header in every line. This value is calculated by adding up the relevant Sales Invoice Lines records.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    This is really the absolute basics, so if you have trouble understanding Geordie's example you either need to go to a training course or at least look at this:
  • amadman114amadman114 Member Posts: 36
    Thanks for that resource, I'll definitely take a look at that :)

    Any chance of a solution for the short- term problem though?
  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    amadman114 wrote:
    Any chance of a solution for the short- term problem though?

    Something like this?
    SalesInvLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",SalesInvHeader."No.");
        SalesInvLine."Total Amount" := SalesInvHeader.Amount;  //New Sales Invoice Line field to create
      UNTIL SalesInvLine.NEXT = 0;

    But to be honest it doesn't make much sense (moreover because should be more practical using a new FlowField on Sales Invoice Line table)...
  • amadman114amadman114 Member Posts: 36
    Hi Geordie, I tried what you suggested but it wouldn't work.
    Inspired by the first post, I wrote my own code, as follows


    GrecSalesInvLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",GrecSalesInvHeader."No.");


    InvAmount := InvAmount + GrecSalesInvLine.Amount;

    UNTIL GrecSalesInvLine.NEXT = 0;

    GrecSalesInvHeader.Amount := InvAmount;
    UNTIL GrecSalesInvHeader.NEXT = 0;

    This works :)
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