
FlowField on Page for Simulated Prod. Order

ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249
edited 2013-10-26 in NAV Three Tier
I'm wondering if someone can try to reproduce this :bug:
On the simulated prod. order, on the components page, which is shared among all the prod. order types, add a FlowField for the Inventory
Sum("Item Ledger Entry".Quantity WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(Item No.),Location Code=FIELD(Location Code),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Code)))

This field works great... except for Simulated Prod. Orders, on the Page. It always shows zero.
However drill-through is correct, and in fact you can filter successfully on it as well.

I think it is similar to this post viewtopic.php?f=23&t=43002&start=0

I think that NAV is incorrectly thinking the record is not inserted due to a blank value, in this case though it is just "Simulated" which is the first "0" option value.

Appreciate the help.

- Reinhard


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    ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249
    .....and nevermind...

    For some reason adding a new flowfield caused problems. After I re-added it, everything started working OK agian.

    It was not related to Simulated status.
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