Link to a Card Page from Role Center [Resolved]

asmilie2basmilie2b Member Posts: 122
edited 2013-10-26 in NAV Three Tier
NAV 2013.

In order to make a SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE inventory search for our sales staff I have made a Page with a subform.
It is as simple as three fields to select item category, location, and date. On selection of these the relevant items and their available inventory appear on the subform below.

My issue is, I need to make this a one click to get to from the role center. As easy to get to as possible.
But I find out now, that I cannot find a way to make alink to a page of PageType "Card" from either the:
- Activities
- Home
- Ribbon

I expected the Home & Activities would not work as it is not a list. But, why not the ribbon? I have set it as promoted, but it does not appear no matter what I do in the role center I use (Order Processor). Is the ribbon actions hard coded, or am I missing something?

Bruce Anderson


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Are you connecting to right database, sorry it can be silly..
  • sendit2jasonsendit2jason Member Posts: 23
    The Ribbon can support Card Pages.

    Perhaps your link is in the wrong Type and SubType group in Page Actions of the RC.

    It should be ActionContainer and ActionItems respectively.

    Look at age 9001, Page Action, the last few are Setup Cards.
    Jason Bradley
    Working with NAV since 2001

    “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens” - Jimi Hendrix
  • asmilie2basmilie2b Member Posts: 122
    'Doh! ](*,)
    Wrong database. Thanks for the responses.
    Note to self not to work on a Friday night.

    Bruce Anderson
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