i want to print a file path on a report.
There is a text variable holding the path received from a record.
This variable is filled the path and text variables using strsubstno. The result looks like this "File:

\Filename.pdf" .
The strange thin is that if i print this text in a section the report only shows "File: D:Filename.pdf" without \.
I used message('%1',Text) to see the text on the screen and \ is there.
I already tried to use strsubstno('%1',Text) in SourceExpr of the text box control with no success.
Does anyone have a hint for me, how i can show the path on the report correctly?
Best regards,
thanks, your solution is working :thumbsup: . Can you explain this to me why i need two "\\", so i can understand it?
I did fill the variable manually so I will need to find a solution for changing "\" to "\\" in a function.
Best regards,
GREAT - that's the key!!! I was using the multi line option for this textbox on the report. After disabling this option everything is displayed correctly without changing the Path!
I know this "carriage return" function from messages but not the impact on reports.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,