Dear Masters
Ver: 2009 R2
I am trying to create a report and screen to list the customer balance on a given date in the past. This is needed to see whether the customer and/or an Invoice was not paid in that date in the past (but paid thereafter).
I looked at Cust. Ledger Entry and Detailed Cust. Ledge Entry tables to see the relationship. But, confused the way they are recorded. I know Initial Entry is the original entry and Application is the setoff (hope its correct).
But, don't see a way to filter it out.
I not an expert in NAV either, though have passed the certifications recently.
Can you please help me?
You could simply set a date filter on the V/L entries '..RefDate'. This would calculate amounts and remaining amount at date for these entries.
with best regards
You mean Cust. Ledger Entry table ?
with best regards
Thanks again. Will give it a try. Just thinking whether it is to have a query in T-SQL to get the same result.
(I will also try with code coverage anyway).