Upgrade form NAV 5.0 Native DB to Native 5.0 SQL

chandrurecchandrurec Member Posts: 560
Hi all,

I want to upgrade the database from Navision 5.0 native database to native database 5.0 sql.

So I am planning to do the following steps.

1.Take the backup of the current native DB.
2.Create a new database in sql.
3.Create the database login in SQL server.
4.Restore the backup of native db taken in step 1.
5.Sync all the database logins.

Is there any other step I need to do for this conversion. Kindly let me know.

Thanks & Regards,


  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639

    You need to check whether all your field values are SQL server compatible. Try looking for zhe testfield package in downloads.

    With best regards

  • chandrurecchandrurec Member Posts: 560
    Hi jglathe,

    Can you please elaborate on test field package in download so that I can start looking into it.

    Thanks & Regards,
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Hi chandrurec,

    please have a look at the relevant chapter in the Upgrade Toolkit documentation for instructions.

    You might also want to check out the following download from mibuso:
    Field Check v3
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