Hi expert, I have some questions for the NAV2013 report.
1. In NAV2013 RDLC reports, where to add the code CurrReport.Showoutput(FALSE) in one condition and CurrReport.Showoutput(true) in another condition. In the old version, I only put two sections in the report and the add the code to the postsection trigger. To my understanding in NAV2013, I have to create two tables with different values in Visual Studio and then show the visibility based on the expression of the conditions, am I right?
2. I have around 20 checkboxes in a page and then based on the checkboxes, the value will be displying on the report. If box1 is checked, then in the report it will show x box 1, and then if box2 is checked, it will show x box2. So In NAV2013, I have to create 20 such boxes with value x and then show the visibility based on the expression of different conditions 20 times. e.g. for box 1 I need to add the expr Iif(fields!box1.value=true, "True","False"), am I right? Thank you!
BTW: I guess you mean presection ...
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Regarding the second question the check box, could you give me the possbile ways to accomplish it.
I need to list all of the checkboxes on the report. If any of them are checked in the page, they will be showing as x on the report, otherwise only emty box is showing
on the report.
My question is do I need to set the visibility of each individual textbox with value x showing on each condition if I don't add them to the table?
Since I want to list all of the checkboxes with descriptions for each checkbox along side by side on the report.
Thank you!
try =IIF(<field>=true,"X","") in textbox expression.