Demo Database - New Company

almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
I've created a new company in my demo database named CRONUS Consolidation LCY (I'm putting together a presentation and I need this company to do it). I can see and get to the company in the classic client, but cannot access it in the RTC. Am I doing something wrong? I've never had this before.


  • Nagaraju17Nagaraju17 Member Posts: 12
    Hello Alm,

    You have to select company in lefts side top "Microsoft Dynamics nav" Tab.
    you will get.

    close and open page once if not happen
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    The issue is that they aren't even there to choose. See the screen shot... only 3 companies, but there should be 5.
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    It's almost as if the two installs (RTC and Classic) and separate from each other on the same computer. How does that happen? Is that normal for a demo database?
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Do you have the rights to access the company?

    Is the company listed in the Company table on SQL?

    How did you create the company? File - Company - New from the development environment?
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