Problems Connecting to Demo Database

almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
Recently I installed the NAV 2009 demo database onto a virtual machine so that I could do additional testing. Today I tried to logon to the RTC in my test machine and it won't logon. This is not a server install, but just a single install for me.

I receive the error stating :The program could not create a connection to the server. Do you want to try again?

I don't have a server setup, but clicking yes doesn't help. When I click No, I get the Select Server screen. I chose the only option there (created during install, I believe) and I still can't connect. HELP! I'm working on a presentation that is already late... and I need to connect.



  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    The error I get when trying to connect to the address already there is attached.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    almhansen wrote:
    I don't have a server setup

    What exactly do you mean by this? You need the middle tier server (NAV Server) running to connect to from your RTC, and you need an SQL Server running for the NAV Server to connect to. Both these servers may run on the same machine, even as the RTC, but you need those servers/services.
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    Vaprog is right. I'm assuming you were hoping to just run it locally, single user, without a server - like the old classic client - unfortunately this is not possible with the RTC client.
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    I got it figured out. I meant I don't have a separate server setup, but the install does setup the tiers on the one machine in order to create the RTC instance. Turns out my services had been stopped somehow from the last time I logged in. I've restarted the Dynamics services and now I'm back on track.
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