We are having a problem part invoicing jobs. Basic scenario as follows:
Job Planning Line for an item with a quantity of 5. Line type is 'Both Schedule and Contract' but setting to Contract does not resolve issue.
Usage (consumption) posted for a quantity of 3.
When we run the 'Create Sales Invoice' function from the job, a quantity of 5 is transferred to the sales line (correctly won't let me post the invoice for more than we have consumed)
If I change the quantity on the sales line to 3 and try and post I get the following error:
"Quantity has been changed (initial a Job Task: Job No. = <job number>, Job Task No. = <Job Task No.>) in Sales Line Document Type = 'Invoice',Document No. = <document no>, Line No. = <Line No>"
Is there a way of part invoicing the job without having to create a new job planning line with the invoice quantity each time?
NAV 2013 allows you to set a Qty. to Transfer to Invoice.